To the President and Members of Congress:
The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC or Council) is pleased to transmit its 2001 Annual Report. This report includes important findings from research conducted by the NWBC on women-owned and women-led businesses, with an emphasis on access to capital and contracting opportunities.
In addition, this report contains recommendations for legislative and administrative proposals we believe will help women entrepreneurs with their endeavors.
During the past decade, the number of women starting firms has increased at twice the rate of all U.S. concerns. These women-owned businesses (WOBs) are growing faster in employment and revenues than the average U.S. firm. Unfortunately, WOBs are still having a difficult time accessing capital for start-up or expansion, and not receiving a commensurate share of contract opportunities in either the public or private sectors. Access to education, technical assistance and capital can improve the chances that WOBs will have the opportunity to grow and remain an important component of our Nation’s economic health and stability. The NWBC has placed great efforts toward meeting and further exploring these needs of WOBs.
We are honored to have the opportunity to advocate for the interests of the fastest growing segment of our Nation’s economy. Although the NWBC has much to celebrate with respect to the economic accomplishments of WOBs, the members of the Council recognize that there is still much work to be done to address the capital and business development needs of the Nation’s women business owners. We look forward to working with Congress and the Administration in implementing these recommendations and formulating new policy in the upcoming fiscal year.
National Women’s Business Council