Introduced by Sens. Cortez Masto and Young and Reps. Crow and Burchett, this bill would establish an Innovation Voucher Grant Program to facilitate collaboration between small businesses and research institutions.
Introduced by Sen. Coons and Rubio and Rep. Houlahan and Balderson, this bill would support American innovation by expediting the application processes for two federal small business programs, making small business federal grantees eligible for fast-tracked U.S. Patent Office services, and improving technical and business assistance.
Introduced by Sens. Kennedy and Smith and Reps. Mooney, Pappas, and Cuellar, this bill would require the Securities and Exchange Commission Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation to submit an annual report on the unique challenges small businesses in rural areas face when trying to secure capital.
Introduced by Reps. Burchett, Kim, and Fitzgerald, this bill would require additional reporting from SBA regarding microloans.
Introduced by Sens. Hickenlooper, Hyde-Smith, Warner, and Braun, this bill would establish a coordinator for Community Development Financial Institutions within the SBA to help advocate for community lenders.
Introduced by Sens. Marshall, Coons, and Cardin and Reps. Williams and Gluesenkamp Perez, this bill would connect technical education program graduates to small business resource centers, including women’s business centers.
Introduced by Sens. Coons and Cardin, this bill would reauthorize and improve the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) volunteer program, a valuable SBA resource partner.
Introduced by Sens. Rosen and Ernst and Reps. Lee and Stauber, this bill would make non-profit childcare businesses eligible for SBA loans.
Introduced by Sen. Risch and Rosen, this bill would modify SBA’s Federal and State Technology Partnership Program to encourage federal economic development grants to be awarded to small businesses or universities that do not typically receive Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer awards.