The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) monitors legislation with the potential to make a positive impact on women’s entrepreneurship. Councilmembers also educate Members of Congress and their staff about their findings and the thinking that has informed their policy recommendations. Results of these efforts are consistently seen in Congressional action to advance bills that carry forward NWBC recommendations concerning such critical issues as government contracting opportunity and childcare accessibility.
The measures highlighted here demonstrate alignment between NWBC’s work and Congressional priorities.
Small Business Contracting Transparency Act (S. 3971/H.R. 4670, 118th Congress)
This bill would require SBA to report information related to small businesses owned and controlled by women, and is related to NWBC’s 2022 recommendation that the government improve tracking sharing of data on contracting. The House enacted the bill in November 2023, and the Senate Committee voted to advance it in May 2024.
Agency Accountability Act (H.R. 7103, 118th Congress)
This bill would require the Director of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization of each agency that receives below a letter grade of A on its annual scorecard for small business contracting to testify before the Senate Committee on Small Business and the House Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. It realizes NWBC’s 2022 recommendation that government improve track and sharing of data on contracting. The House voted to enact this bill in April 2024.
Small Business Procurement and Utilization Reform Act (H.R. 7988, 118th Congress)
This bill would require federal agencies to include the number of small businesses that receive a prime contract for the first time and are owned and operated by women and other disadvantaged owners in their annual scorecards. It is consistent with NWBC’s 2022 recommendation to improve tracking and sharing of data on contracting. The House voted to make this bill law in June 2024.
Small Business Child Care Investment Act (S. 673, 118th Congress)
This proposal provides that certain nonprofit childcare providers are small business concerns, making them eligible for expanded SBA-backed loan services, and carries out NWBC’s 2023 recommendation that qualified nonprofit childcare providers gain access to SBA loans. The Senate Committee held hearings on this legislation in March and April 2024.
Expanding Childcare in Rural America Act (S. 1867, 118th Congress)
This bill authorizes new funding for childcare providers in rural, underserved communities, and is related to NWBC’s 2023 recommendation to Congress and the White House to build sustainable childcare capacity in rural areas through direct investments. The Senate Committee held a hearing on this bill in April 2024.
Right Start Child Care and Education Act (S. 3787, 118th Congress)
This bill would increase, and allow credits and exclusions from income for, employer-sponsored dependent care assistance; it is consistent with NWBC’s 2023 recommendation that policymakers ensure accessible, reliable, and affordable childcare services for women entrepreneurs, including through tax-based incentives. In April 2024 the Senate Committee held a hearing on the bill.
Child Care Small Business Insight and Improvement Act (H.R. 6156, 118th Congress)
This proposal would require the SBA Administrator to designate a point of contact for for-profit childcare providers and submit a report to Congress. It is consistent with NWBC’s 2022 recommendation to expand entrepreneurial development resources for childcare businesses. The House Committee reported this legislation out in February 2024.
Women’s Business Centers Improvement Act (S. 2184, 118th Congress)
This bill would increase the maximum annual grant amount to each WBC and relax administrative burdens on grantees; it carries out NWBC’s 2023 recommendation that Congress and SBA strengthen and modernize the WBC program by significantly increasing funding and streamlining reporting. The Senate Committee held a hearing on the bill in November 2023.
Promoting Access to Capital in Underbanked Communities Act (H.R. 758, 118th Congress)
This bill would relax federal regulations of new financial institutions serving rural communities, making more resources available to small lenders in underserved places. It is consistent with NWBC’s 2023 recommendation to increase resources and funding for organizations offering small-dollar grants. The House Committee voted favorably on this bill in May 2024.